Accelerated Master’s Pathway
What is AMP?
The Accelerated Master’s Pathway (previously known as "Accelerated Master's Program"), allows high achieving UCCS students to pursue existing Bachelor’s and Master’s degrees in an accelerated manner. The pathway typically takes currently enrolled, full-time students 5-6 years to complete both the bachelor's and master’s degrees.
Benefits of AMP
AMP allows current UCCS students to take graduate level courses, while completing their Bachelor’s degree, which will allow the graduate level courses to count towards both degrees. Typically, programs allow undergraduate students to take between 6-12 credit hours of graduate level course work while they are an undergraduate student. Additionally, students classified as undergraduate students, who are taking graduate level courses via AMP, will pay the undergraduate tuition rate for the graduate level courses until their bachelor’s degree is awarded. Additionally, some programs require AMP students to submit less application materials than standard applicants.
Participating AMP Programs
Participating AMP Graduate Programs:
- Graduate Application Requires: Goal Statement, Resume/CV
- Graduate Application Requires: Goal Statement, 2 Letters of Recommendation
- Graduate Application Requires: Statement of Purpose, 1 Letter of Recommendation from a current faculty member or the undergraduate director in the Department of Communication
- (Please note: This graduate program is not I-20 eligible.)
Computer Science (BA, BS, and BI) to Computer Science (MS, ME)
- Graduate Application Requires: 1 Letter of Recommendation from Department Chair
Computer Science (Game Design and Development) to Games and Media Integration (MS)
- Graduate Application Requires: 1 Letter of Recommendation from Department Chair
- Graduate Application Requires: Resume, Goal Statement, 2 Letters of Recommendation
- Graduate Application Requires: 1 Letter of Recommendation from Department Chair
- Graduate Application Requires: Goal Statement, 3 Letters of Recommendation
- Graduate Application Requires: Resume, Goal Statement, 1 Letter of Recommendation
- Graduate Application Requires: 2 Letters of Recommendation
- Graduate Application Requires: Resume, Goal Statement
Political Science to Public Administration
- Graduate Application Requires: Resume, Goal Statement
- Graduate Application Requires: Goal Statement
- Graduate Application Requires: 1 Letter of Recommendation from Department Chair
Special Education
- Graduate Application Requires: Resume, Goal Statement, 1 Letter of Recommendation, and Background Check.
Technical Communication and Information Design to Business Administration
- Graduate Application Requires: MBA Admission Pathway selection, Goal Statement and Resume.
Women's and Ethnic Studies to Business Administration
- Graduate Application Requires: MBA Admission Pathway selection, Goal Statement and Resume.
What are the requirements?
Each program has their own criteria for AMP program admission (or accepting you into the AMP program during your undergraduate degree program.). The links above are linked directly to each program’s page and will answer all your questions regarding AMP.
Steps to Applying to AMP
Step 1: Planning and Showing Interest
- Speak with the program director of your intended program about eligibility and career goal fit.
Talk with your undergraduate advisor about your interest in the program during your next advising appointment (or schedule an appointment with your advisor in the Student Success Network). It is a good idea to talk to your advisor so you can reserve potential elective space for AMP classes.
Step 2: Intent Application
If you have successfully met with your advisor and you have spoken with the program advisor and it has been determined that you meet the requirements for AMP, your next step is to complete the Intent Application.
Complete the Intent Application. This application states you currently intent and are eligible to begin taking dual counting courses during your bachelor's degree. (Reminder: Completing the AMP Intent Application DOES NOT admit you into the Graduate School and/or AMP.)
Step 3: Intent Application Review
After submitting your Intent Application, it will be forwarded to the department/program for review. Once your application is approved:
Enroll in your dual-counting courses approved by your program advisor and undergraduate advisor. Your undergraduate advisor will ask you to speak with your program advisor to determine which graduate level courses to take. (Pro tip: It is important to check with your program advisor each time you are planning to enroll in graduate level courses. Programs have specific guidelines and policies on how many graduate level courses can be taken at the undergraduate level. It is important you follow these policies and always check with your program to ensure your courses can dual count.)
Step 4: Apply to Graduate School
During your Junior or Senior year of coursework, it is important you begin paying attention to application deadlines for our UCCS graduate programs. You should:
- Check the application requirements for your UCCS Graduate School application and make a plan to complete those requirements.
- Apply to the Graduate program using the online UCCS Graduate School application.
(Remember, completing the AMP Intent Application DOES NOT admit you into the Graduate School. As an AMP student, you are still required to follow all application deadlines for UCCS Graduate Programs to ensure your application will be considered for admission.)
Step 5: Complete Undergraduate Degree
- If you have been admitted to AMP, graduate-level course taken during undergrad will count towards both your bachelor's and master's degree requirements.
- You should also:
- Apply for Undergraduate Graduation
Finish your Bachelor's degree requirements and graduate!
Step 6: Start Graduate School
When completing your Intent Application for AMP, you acknowledged that you are expected to be continually enrolled (Fall and Spring semester) from undergraduate to graduate degree for courses to double count towards both degrees. You should work with your program advisor to register in classes for the following Fall or Spring semester after you graduate. (If you graduated in Spring, you should enroll in courses during the following Fall semester. If you graduated in Fall, you should enroll in courses during the following Spring semester. PLEASE NOTE: If your program uses a cohort model and does not allow you to start classes in the next available Spring or Fall semester, that is okay. Please email gradinfo@uccs.edu.)
Selecting AMP on the Graduate Application
When completing your UCCS Graduate School application, it is important you select “Accelerated Master’s Program” when completing your application. Please follow these steps:
If you are interested in applying as an Accelerated Master’s Pathway student, please confirm with your department that you are eligible to apply using the Accelerated Masters Pathway application. For a full list of graduate contacts, please click HERE.
After answering the questions at the beginning of the application, you will get to the following questions a few pages into your application. Use these steps to complete the Accelerated Master's Pathway Application:
- Have you ever attended UCCS or any other University of Colorado campus before? Select “Yes”.
- Did you graduate from UCCS or are you a current UCCS student? Select “Yes”. Click “Next”
- After clicking Next, the application will ask which semester you intent on completing a application for. Select your desired start semester. Click “Next”.
- On the next page, you will be asked if you will be using the Accelerated Masters Pathway application. (If a program also participates in the Streamlined Application, this option may be an option as well. The Streamlined Application is an application pathway for current or recent UCCS graduates who may not have participated in AMP). Be sure to select “Accelerated Master’s Pathway” in the dropdown box. Then click “Next”.
- Next, you will be asked to confirm that you are eligible for and approved by the graduate department to apply as an AMP applicant. If you have not confirmed this with your graduate department, please circle-back to Step 1 on this page. If you have been approved, select “Yes”. The click “Next” and complete the remaining portions of the application.
Faculty & Advisor Resources
Coming Soon!
If you still have questions regarding AMP or the AMP process, please reach out to our Graduate Recruitment Specialist, Deanna Johnson, by emailing Djohns42@uccs.edu.