Outside Opportunities
Information and Links on Outside Opportunities
With an annual budget of about $7.0 billion (FY 2012), NSF is the funding source for approximately 20 percent of all federally supported basic research conducted by America's colleges and universities. In many fields such as mathematics, computer science and the social sciences, NSF is the major source of federal backing.
This program offers primary care medical, dental, and mental/behavioral health providers the opportunity to have student loans repaid, in exchange for providing health care in urban, rural, or frontier communities with limited access to care. Deadlines vary.
Grants support the following formats: exhibitions at museums, libraries, and other venues; interpretations of historic places, sites, or regions; book/film discussion programs; living history presentations; other face-to-face programs at libraries, community centers, and other public venues; and interpretive websites and other digital formats. Types of Museums, Libraries, and Cultural Organizations awards:
- Planning grants support the early stages of project development, including consultation with scholars, refinement of humanities themes, preliminary design, testing, and audience evaluation. Deadlines vary.
- Implementation grants support final scholarly research and consultation, design development, production, and installation of a project for presentation to the public. Deadlines vary.
Provides programs for scholars who either hold a doctoral degree or are enrolled in a doctoral program in the field of educational research, measurement and related fields and who are interested in research opportunities.
NIH funds a large portfolio of grants on the science and health outcomes of substance use, abuse, and addiction. This Funding Opportunity Announcement (FOA) is part of a trans-NIH initiative Collaborative Research on Addiction at NIH. The goal of this FOA is to inspire and support short-term (up to three years) research projects investigating the role of social media in risk behaviors associated with the use and abuse of alcohol, tobacco, and other drugs (hereafter referred to as "ATOD") and projects using social media to ameliorate such behaviors. Each research project proposed in response to this FOA must be focused on one of the two distinct areas: 1) observational research using social media interactions as surveillance tools to aid in the understanding of the epidemiology, risk factors, attitudes, and behaviors associated with ATOD use and addiction, or 2) intervention research measuring the reach, engagement, and behavioral and health impact of social media-based interventions for the screening, prevention, and treatment, of ATOD use and addiction. There are two different opportunities available:
Supports the development, validation, and implementation of innovative scientific methodologies that advance science and replace the use of animals in research, testing, and education. To that end, the foundation is accepting applications for the IFER Graduate Fellowship Program from graduate students whose program of study shows the greatest potential to replace the use of animals in science. See website for deadline dates.
Awards $5,000 Graduate Scholarships for Teachers. Applicants must apply by May 30, 2016.
Awarded to students in any discipline, including international students, currently enrolled in a PhD program at a University or College in the United States. Deadlines vary depending on the student's date of graduation.
Graduate Fellowships
Programs and resources for prospective and current STEM graduate students -- including funding opportunities and professional development programs and resources
Postdoc Positions
Programs and resources for prospective and current STEM postdoctoral researchers -- including postdoc positions, postdoctoral fellowships, travel awards, and professional development opportunities.