Western Region Graduate Program
Western Region Graduate Program (WRGP/WICHE)
WRGP allows master’s, graduate certificate, and doctoral students who are residents of any of the participating WICHE states (Alaska, Arizona, California, Colorado, Hawaii, Idaho, Montana, Nevada, New Mexico, North Dakota, Oregon, South Dakota, Utah, Washington, Wyoming and the U.S. Pacific Territories and Freely Associated States) the opportunity to pay a reduced tuition rate which is currently equal to in-state tuition. Not every UCCS graduate program participates in WRGP; see below for participating programs.
There is nothing you need to do to claim this award except verify that your permanent address on your graduate school application reflects your residency in a qualifying state. The benefit is automatically applied to your tuition bill, and you are qualified to receive it throughout the duration of your graduate education at UCCS, pending your enrollment in a qualifying program and your continued legal residency in your current state.
Programs Participating in WRGP
College of Business
Business Administration (MBA)
Business Administration Executive Doctorate (DBA)
Accounting (MSA)
College of Education
Counseling and Human Services: Clinical Mental Health Counseling (MA)
Counseling and Human Services: School Counseling (MA)
Leadership: Student Affairs in Higher Education [SAHE] (MA)
Leadership: Educational Leadership, Research & Policy (PhD)
Curriculum & Instruction (MA)
Special Education (MA)
Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages [TESOL] (MA)
College of Engineering
Engineering Management (ME)
Space Operations (ME)
Systems Engineering (ME)
College of Letters, Arts, and Sciences
Applied Geography (MA)
Biology (MSc)
Communication (MA)
Psychology: Clinical (MA)
Psychology: Psychological Science (MA)
Sociology (MA)
Beth-El College of Nursing and Health Sciences
Athletic Training (MSAT)
Health Promotion (MSc)
Applied Physiology (MSc)
Nursing (MSN)
Nursing (DNP)
Nursing Graduate Certificates
College of Public Service
Criminal Justice (MCJ)
Public Administration (MPA)
MCJ/MPA Dual Degree
Public Administration Certificates
Social Work (MSW)