Finance Resources
Finance Resources
*Note: UCCS Scholarships are available through the student portal for admitted students, this means you have to be accepted to a graduate program before you can apply. Please keep this in mind and apply as early as you can for the best financial opportunities. Visit the Scholarship department website for more information.
Click here for Federally Funded Graduate and Postdoc Fellowships/Traineeships
Additional Information
This award is now called the Graduate School Research Travel Award (Formerly the Research and Professional Development Award) The Graduate School Research Travel Award will prioritize students presenting research at conferences and will no longer be available for other professional development. The Graduate School will consider awards for students attending conferences, but not presenting, if there are additional funds available.
Please read the instruction sheet linked below and see the online application link:
For any questions please contact us at graddocs@uccs.edu
Students who are admitted and submit a qualifying FAFSA application before the UCCS priority date of March 1, may qualify for Graduate Grants.
For more information please visit the Financial Aid Website.
Students who are admitted can submit a UCCS scholarship application beginning on December 1 for the following academic year. There are a variety of scholarship opportunities that can be found on the UCCS scholarships website
For more information please visit the List of Graduate Scholarships
- Merit-based awards that contribute to educating graduate students and moving the university research mission forward. Students must be fully admitted to an on campus graduate program, and be engaged in full (5 or more credits/semester) or part time (1 to 4 credits/semester) study to be eligible for the fellowship. If the graduate student fails to meet the credit/semester requirement, the fellowship is forfeited. Ask your program of interest for more details on how to be nominated.
- Click here for more information
- Many graduate programs offer students internships, scholarships, and positions. Check with your program of interest for these opportunities.
- For more information contact your program
- On-campus and off-campus opportunities are available that can enhance your education and transferable work skills while assisting you in paying for graduate school.
- Prospective students can apply for jobs on S.E.A.N. using a Guest Access: Username: 999999999 & Password: SEANGuestAccount9!
- For more information: Student Employment
WRGP allows master’s, graduate certificate, and doctoral students who are residents of one of the participating WICHE states (Alaska, Arizona, California, Colorado, Hawaii, Idaho, Montana, Nevada, New Mexico, North Dakota, Oregon, South Dakota, Utah, Washington, Wyoming, and U.S. Pacific Territories and Freely Associated States) the opportunity to pay a reduced tuition rate which is currently equal to in-state tuition. Not every graduate program participates in WRGP; see participating UCCS programs HERE.
There is nothing you need to do to claim this award except verify that your permanent address on your graduate school application reflects your residency in a qualifying state. The benefit is automatically applied to your tuition bill, and you are qualified to receive it throughout the duration of your graduate education at UCCS, pending your enrollment in a qualifying program and your continued legal residency in your current state.